Who wants to visit Nantucket for the first time in December? Turns out we do — well Rhonda, anyway (Tom had been there years ago in warm weather). Installing an exciting commission was our reason for going. Even though it was chilly and the ferries were touch and go for the two days we were there, the island was still hopping.

Retailers seriously gear up for the holidays here — decorating small trees in front of each store. Lights and imaginative window displays abound. The week before we went was their traditional Holiday Stroll — but there was still plenty of seasonal spirit by the time we arrived.

The commission was prepared by Jennifer Falck Linssen for a beautiful, contemporary beach-y home. The artist sent us a full-size and detailed template to work from. There were 23 components for Tom to hang. The result was dramatic and ideal for the space.

Loved our stay at The Brass Lantern Inn within walking distance of the main shopping area.

We enjoyed walking down the cobblestone streets and exploring the island’s many unique and quaint shops.

Ended our single night there with a great dinner at the Seagrille — oysters, cranberries, scallops — all local delicacies. We’ll be happy to come back some day in the summer!