We like to take a look back each January and to make plans for the year to come. Here’s a roundup for 2023.

4 at browngrotta arts
Acclaim! Work by Award-Winning International Artists — more than 300 people attended live Vignettes: one venue, three exhibitions, three exhibitions in one: Glen Kaufman: Retrospective 1960-2010; Dorothy Gill Barnes: a way with wood; An Abundance of Objects — more than 200 people attended live

1 partnered exhibition elsewhere
WordPlay: Messages in Branches & Bark
Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT, co-curators, Debra Fram, Nancy Heller and browngrotta arts — 1597 people attended the exhibit.
8 exhibitions to which browngrotta arts loaned works
Norma Minkowitz: Body to Soul
Fairfield University Art Gallery | Bellarmine Hall Fairfield, CT

Paper Town (work by Wendy Wahl) Fitchburg Art Museum | 185 Elm Street Fitchburg, MA 01420
Making a Mark: The Art of Self Expression, (work by Adela Akers, Helena Hernmarck, Tamiko Kawata, Sue Lawty, Aby Mackie, Norma Minkowitz, and Ulla-Maija Vikman) Women’s Art Center, East Hampton, NY
Indigo (work by Polly Barton, James Bassler, Eduardo Portillo and Mariá Dávila, Chiyoko Tanaka, Yeonsoon Chang, Hiroyuki Shindo) Denver Botanical Garden, CO
Beyond Glass (work by Lawrence LaBianca) Wayne Art Center, PA

Couples (work by James Bassler) Craft in America Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Ferne Jacobs: A Perfect World (work by Ferne Jacobs) Claremont Lewis Museum of Art, CA
Salon Art + Design with the Juan Garrido Gallery of Madrid, Spain (works by Mia Olsson, Ulla-Maija Vikman, Scott Rothstein, Carolina Yrarrázaval) Park Avenue Armory, New York, NY
Organization Acquisitions

Art Institute of Chicago, IL: White Dwarf, Eduardo Portillo and Mariá Dávila
Yale University Gallery, New Haven, CT: Sound, Christine Joy
Cincinnati Museum, OH: Haystack River Teeth Basket, Dorothy Gill Barnes
Art in Embassies, Guadalajara: Cloud Formation, Christine Joy
Corporate acquisitions: Lucent: Jennfier Falck Linssen; Santa Cruz: Gerhardt Knoedel

4 catalogs
Acclaim! Work by Award-Winning International Artists
Glen Kaufman: Retrospective 1960-2010
Dorothy Gill Barnes: a way with wood
An Abundance of Objects
4 articles
“In and Out of Favor: Fiber Persisted. The Rewards of Recognition,” Rhonda Brown, ArteMorbida, April 2023
“browngrotta arts’ Spring Exhibition: Acclaim!,” selvedge magazine, April 11, 2023
“Vignettes: an exhibition triptych,” selvedge blog, October 1, 2023“
“Glen Kaufman: an Art Odyssey,” Rhonda Brown, Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot, Winter 2023
Talks Live

WordPlay Exhibition Walkthrough with Co-Curator Tom Grotta, Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT — 44 people attended; 221 viewed online
Artist Talk: John McQueen, in conjunction with WordPlay: Messages in Branches & Bark, Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT— 78 people attended; 245 viewed online
Contemporary Art Textiles and Fiber Sculpture, Ridgefield Library, CT, Tom Grotta
Perspectives: Assessing Contemporary Fiber Art, Appraisers Association of America, New York, NY, Tom Grotta
Talks Online

Screwing With Order: An Online Conversation with Gyöngy Laky, with the Flinn Gallery —
77 people joined; 195 viewed since
Center Stage with Pamela Kuhn, WordPlay with Gyöngy Laky and Nancy Heller, Radio Interview
Art on the Rocks an art walkthrough with a twist: Acclaim!, Rhonda Brown
Art on the Rocks an art walkthrough with a twist: Vignettes, Rhonda Brown
Viewing Rooms on Artsy
Spotlight: Work by Norma Minkowitz and Wendy Wahl
WordPlay: Redux
Glen Kaufman: Retrospective: 1960 – 2010
Dorothy Gill Barnes: collaboration with nature
An Abundance of Objects
23 Videos on YouTube

200,000 emails from browngrotta arts were opened
11,537 people engaged with our Facebook posts (that’s a 75% increase over last year)
Nearly 40,000 people liked our Instagram content (a 134% increase over last year)
We gained 1252 new followers to our Instagram account (a staggering 13,812% jump)
We posted 50 times on arttextstyle.
Thanks again for your support and attendance — we’ll keep the art coming in 2024!