Christine Joy Willow boat basket
44cj Boat Becoming a River, Christine Joy, willow, beeswax, damar resin, 13.625″ x 30″ x 8.5″, 2018. Photo by Tom Grotta

The holiday season is upon us. Beginning with Diwali, winding its way through Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and probably others, we’ll arrive at the promise of a New Year. We wish you many celebrations, satisfying meet-ups with family and friends, and moments of cozy comfort and joy over the next few weeks.

Deborah Valoma wire vessels
20dv Clytemnestra (Undone), Deborah Valoma, copper wire, woven, patinated, unwoven, wound, series of 5 balls 6″ x 6″ to 12″ x 12,” 2001. Photo by Tom Grotta
Mary Giles copper and linen centerpiece
27mg Black Profile, Mary Giles, waxed linen, copper, copper wire, 12.75″ x 31.25″ x 6.5″, 2002. Photo by Tom Grotta

Many of those festivities will include food and drink and maybe games and they’ll take place around a table. On many of those tables there will be a centerpiece of some kind — flowers, candles, and often a work of art. In that spirit, we present several artworks that can grace a a table as well as a pedestal or shelf.

Yasuhisa Kohyama Ceramic
11yk Ceramic 11, Yasuhisa Kohyama, ceramic, 15.7″ x 14.5″ x 4.7″ , 2001. Photo by Tom Grotta
Rachel Max plaited Red sculpture
12rm Balance, Rachel Max, plaited and twined cane, 12″ x 16″ x 9″, 2022. Photo by Tom Grotta

A browngrotta arts, we’ve been considering the transformative power of objects all Fall, their capacity to invoke memory and meaning. Our An Abundance of Objects exhibition can be seen in a Viewing Room on Artsy beginning November 22nd. Like those in The Domestic Plane: a New Perspective on Tabletop Art at the Aldrich Museum in 2019, the items in Abundance celebrate “the hand as means of creation, a formal frame of reference, and for the viewer, a source of both delight and tension …” And sometimes, they enhance our lives just by being beautiful. We wish you a season of as much beauty as you can muster.

Dorothy Gill Barnes glass and wood sculpture
38dgb Hackberry Dendroglyph, Dorothy Gill Barnes, hackberry dendroglyph, glass, 12″ x 27″ x 12″, 2007. Photo by Tom Grotta
Norma Minkowitz boy riding bird
99nm Unbound, Norma Minkowitz, mixed media fiber, 18.5” x 23” x 17”, 2022. Photo by Tom Grotta