Did you miss the in-person Spring exhibition at browngrotta arts last week? If so, good news! You can see all the works in Acclaim! Work from Award-Winning International Artists (even the sold ones) now on Artsy. There are installation shots on Artsy as well.

Acclaim! was a go-to Spring event in Connecticut. Our attendance was up 30% over our last show. The mix of fiber art luminaries like Sheila Hicks, Lenore Tawney, Dominic Di Mare and Peter Collingwood and accomplished artists newer to the field like Jo Barker, Anneke Klein and Mercedes Vicente was an potent one.

Many visitors to Acclaim! also visited our sister show, WordPlay: Messages in Branches & Bark, which we co-curated with the Flinn Gallery at the Greenwich Library, Greenwich, CT. WordPlay celebrates work by Gyöngy Laky and John McQueen in which words, puns, rebuses, and other messages to be coded and deciphered appear.
Good news about WordPlay, too, closes today at 5. Beginning May 29th you can find the works from that exhibition in an Artsy Viewing Room. There will be great installation shots as well.
Thanks for keeping the art admiration going and visiting us on Artsy — this week and on May 29th.