As I noted in an earlier post, we thoroughly enjoyed Different Lines: Drawings by Craft Artists at the Fuller Craft Museum in Brockton, Massachusetts, which explores the lesser-known creative abilities of artists known for their work in ceramics, glass, jewelry, wood or textiles. Lissa Hunter’s drawings were a surprise and a delight, Vivian Beer’s and Dan Dailey’s are an interesting variations on the works for which they are better known. We took several photos, but rather than play the spoiler, we thought we’d offer you some images of other artist drawings — you have until February 27, 2011 to see the Fuller exhibit for yourself.
For Norma Minkowitz, whose work is part of the Fuller exhibit, drawing has always been fundamental to her work. ” As a student in 1958 at the Cooper Union School of Art in New York City,” she explains,” my primary focus was on drawing with pen and ink, and sketching with pencil. Early in my art, I experimented and worked with various combinations from soft sculpture to large wall hangings that were done in relief, at times utilizing the linear elements of thread. In 1983, I crocheted around a shoe, removed the shoe, and discovered that I had created a transparent form. I felt that I was still drawing, but with fiber instead of pen and ink.”

Our Stall, Tanforan, ca. 1942-1944 / Kay Sekimachi Stocksdale, artist. Drawing : 1 item : graphite ; 24 x 32 cm. Bob Stocksdale and Kay Sekimachi papers, 1937-2004. Archives of American Art.
Kay Sekimachi studied drawing and painting at the Tanforan relocation center (for Persons of Japanese Ancestry) when she was a teenager in World War II. The Smithsonian Archives of Art include this drawing by Sekimachi of Tanforan.

Portfolio by Ed Rossbach
For Ed Rossbach, sketches sometimes presaged new work and other times were incorporated into collages or transferred onto directly onto baskets.

Drawings by Lilla Kulka
Here is Lilla Kulka’s sketch of her works as she envisions them hanging in space as a group installation.

Flower by Lenore Tawney
Lenore Tawney created geometric drawings in the 1960s, that preceded Sol LeWitt’s wall drawings. Years later, Tawney made three-dimensional sculptures of thread in plexiboxes based upon the “Drawings in Air” series.