We’ve exhibited in Palm Beach, Florida in January for the last seven years. In that time, the exhibition has had three different owners, three different names and differing emphases each year. Despite the difficulty the fair has had finding a footing, we’ve returned each year. We are convinced there is a good audience in the Palm Beach area and we are always happy to catch up with our existing Florida clients, and family and friends.

This year, however, the news is better. The latest incarnation, artpalmbeach, art+photography+design, seems to have found a workable formula. The crowds at the fair were large; the composition of the show varied and exciting, we added new clients to our list and the other dealers we spoke to seemed pleased sales. In this economic environment, those are impressive achievements. David Lester, of International Fine Art Exhibitions, who founded the fair in 1998 with his wife, Lee Ann, and resumed ownership a year ago, told Artinfo, “I want this fair to have broad appeal, quality art, and accessibility. My goal is to go out and bring in much more interesting art from around the globe.” The global emphasis was evident in the mix of galleries and work. The 70 galleries came from the US and abroad, including the Netherlands, Ukraine, UK, Sweden Argentina and Dubai. Chinese, Vietnamese, Icelandic and Latin American artists were featured. In the browngrotta arts booth alone was work created by artists from 15 countries.
“That power of attraction, admirable for any fair in an inhospitable economic climate, bodes well for the process of reinvention that the Lesters have only just begun, ” concluded Margery Gordon in her Artinfo article, “Art Palm Beach Mixes Media — and Messages.” http://www.artinfo.com/news/story/33659/art-palm-beach-mixes-media-and-messages. We were so optimistic, in fact, we are turning around and returning next week to participate in IFAE’s American International Fine Art Fair from February 2nd – 8th at the Palm Beach Convention Center http://www.aifaf.com. More on that to come.